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You BELONG at Congregation Albert!

This is going to be an exciting year at Congregation Albert!

We are a vibrant center for Jewish Life in Albuquerque!

Be a part of a forward-thinking Reform Jewish Community which is the oldest and largest in New Mexico.

Be a part of a community that values and supports the individuality of each member, providing a safe spiritual home for all. Interfaith families are welcomed!

As a member you have access to pastoral support from our caring and compassionate clergy.

As a member you have access to diverse programming for all ages, free High Holy Day tickets and discounted costs to enroll your children in our rapildy growing supplementary school that offers classes from pre-K to Confirmation, including B'nai Mitzvah for all ages 13 and older.



Will I fit in at Congregation Albert?

Congregation Albert's membership is diverse. Some of us are single, some are married with young children, some are empty nesters, and some are retirees. We are many genders and orientations, many political affiliations, Sephardim, Ashkenazim, and Jews by choice. Some members were born into our community, but most come from all over the country or the world. We have an active Brotherhood, Sisterhood, choir, and many committees you can read about under the "Our Community" tab. Some people join our congregation for worship, some join for education and others join to make new friends or be with old friends. For most, there is a variety of reasons. We are a growing community, and there is a place for everyone.


How can I get involved?

There is a lot for you to do at Congregation Albert, aside from regular worship services and religious education! We have a variety of programs, service projects, and a number of committees that are crucial to helping us fulfill our mission. Volunteers are welcomed with open arms!


How often do you have services?

We have Shabbat services every Friday evening and Saturday morning. Holiday services (Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simchat Torah, Chanukah, Purim, Passover, Shavuot, Tish B'Av) are held every Holiday morning, and some evenings.

I don't have school-age kids (or kids at all), and worship isn't my thing. What else is there?

Lots of things! Congregation Albert offers adult education classes and special speakers on Jewish subjects. We have regular opportunities to help those less fortunate from Family Promise to knitting baby blankets, to Mitzvah Day. There is something for everyone.

I don't know anyone at Congregation Albert. Is it easy to meet people?

We're a very friendly group of people. Come by and meet us. The best way to get people is to find a group of friends, a class, or a committee, and get involved. Come by to services and chat with the Clergy. Board members and many regular attendees have name tags.

How do I join? What about membership commitments?

The process of joining is easy. Simply fill out the membership forms below and email them to our office, or drop them off in person at our office, or call our office at 505-883-1818 and we will help you out. We ask that everyone help support Congregation Albert financially with a full sustaining pledge. In some cases, we are able to work with you towards another mutually acceptable arrangement regarding membership dues. Please contact us to apply and join our community!


Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784