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The Congregation Albert Brotherhood is dedicated to providing stimulating Jewish religious, social and educational activities and promoting the spirit of comradeship in the local community.

We are an integral and important part of the Albuquerque Jewish community! 

Our Mission

To stimulate men’s fellowship, interest in Jewish worship, Jewish studies, and tikkun olam.

To serve the congregation, Jewish community, and the community at large.


Our Guiding Principles

  • Meeting the social and spiritual needs of our brothers. We recognize our diversity. Some of us are young and some old. Some of us are straight, others gay. Some of us are gifted with intellectual abilities; others are blessed with physical or artistic talents. Some of us are rich and some are poor. Some of us were born Jewish, others have become Jews. With all our diversity, we are brothers.
  • Transmitting our religious values to future generations. As biological or adoptive fathers and as teachers in our community, we fulfill the ancient commandment ”…you shall teach them to your children.” We seek to teach future generations of Jews through our words and our deeds.
  • Fulfilling the ethical and ritual mitzvot of Judaism. We search for ways to express our uniquely masculine spirituality through meaningful rituals, both ancient and contemporary.
  • The right of Jewish women to full and equal participation in all aspects of Jewish life. We recognize the uniquely feminine spiritual energy women bring to our religious traditions. We value and encourage the work of the URJ and the Congregation Albert Sisterhood.
  • The pursuit of knowledge of Torah. We study the ancient and modern teachers of our faith. We make the teachings of Judaism the foundation of our moral being.
  • Supporting the Jewish State of Israel and our fellow Jews around the world.


A Source of Gastronomic Delight

Congregation Albert Brotherhood and great food are almost synonymous. In addition to the Brunch Speaker Programs, Brotherhood provides fabulous food for the Annual Purim Carnival, Chanukah Latke Dinner, and more. Join now and enjoy a monthly breakfast of bagels, lox, shmear, cheeses, vegetables, green chile, eggs, fried onions, potatoes and more.

Important Speakers – Timely Topics

The third Sunday of each month, from September to May, Congregation Albert Brotherhood hosts an exciting Brunch Speaker Program. The Program combines the best brunch in town with entertaining, stimulating and thought provoking local and national speakers.

Since the program began in 1952, Congregation Albert Brotherhood has developed a reputation within Albuquerque as a premier provider of quality speakers. Topics over the past years have included politics, medical ethics, sports, Jewish mysticism, Israeli national issues, anti-Semitism, Jewish humor, health care, investing, and many more.

Since 1960, our candidate debate breakfasts have drawn candidates for local, state and federal offices from Mayor to US Senate, drawing rave reviews from participants, candidates and local media. As a result of our outstanding candidate forums, your Brotherhood received the National Milton Harris Award for Community Service Programming for 2007.


Doing Good Deeds Throughout the Community

Congregation Albert Brotherhood prides itself on giving to both the Jewish community and the local community. Each year the Brotherhood raises money through dues, special events and the Breakfast Program.

Proceeds go back into the Congregation and worthy charitable programs and agencies in the community (Anti-Defamation League, Holocaust Museum, community food banks, UNM Hillel, and more). 


Brotherhood Membership Dues

$36 per year gets you a discount on the monthly brunch programs, the opportunity to get involved, and provide support to Temple programs through your dues. CLICK HERE to make your dues payment!

Friendships are made here! The Brotherhood offers the opportunity to expand one’s circle of friends, to get involved in Jewish affairs, and to contribute to our Congregation. 

Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785