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New Member Application

In order to minimize use of paper products, most of our member communications are via email. Please indicate whether you have regular access to email.

Mazal tov!

We will contact you later to collect information on additional children.


Click here to read our Code of Ethics.
Membership at Congregation Albert requires an annual pledge. Each member pledges in order to sustain temple operations (e.g., programming, music, education, youth, salaries, repair and maintenance, insurance, and utilities). Congregation Albert is committed to a Fair Share Pledge Policy, expecting each member to contribute based on financial ability. This policy recognizes we have a collective responsibility to pledge according to our individual means. The suggested pledge amount is based on 2% of your adjusted gross income, which is your annual income before tax deductions. No current or prospective member is denied membership because of financial hardship.
Upon submission of this New Member Application, you will receive an email with a link to our New Member Financial Commitment form. Your initial annual financial commitment will be prorated according to when your membership application was received. 
Annual financial commitments are most often paid in monthly increments. For this, it is recommended that members establish automatic monthly payments by contacting our accounting specialist. Financial commitments may also be made in one annual lump sum, or in any other arrangement which works for you. However, the total annual financial commitment is due no later than June 30 of every year. Nonpayment will result in loss of status as a member in good standing. Nonpayment causes serious consequences for Congregation Albert.
Your annual financial commitment must be updated annually (often in May or June). The amounts pledged by members directs our annual budget. Members who do not update their annual financial commitment risk losing status as members in good standing.
New membership at Congregation Albert requires a contribution to the Building Fund. An exemption from this requirement can be obtained by providing proof of contribution to another Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) synagogue's Building Fund within the past 10 years. 
Mon, December 30 2024 29 Kislev 5785